Monday, May 9, 2011

Long Time, No Post/ Teenage Ignorance

Well, I don't know how this blogging shindig's going to work out considering that it has taken me more than a month to post a second post, but I'll try again.

Today's topic: teenage ignorance

Honestly, with every new smartphone shipped to America, teenagers become exponentially more ignorant. So sure, call me a hypocrite for staring longingly at iPhones in the AT&T store... but at least I am a well informed person. I mean seriously, when there's an app for just about anything, can't anybody stay informed?

Today I was playing Taboo in advisory and the word was "birth certificate." So I said "this is what Obama released to the press last week to prove he's American." And they all just stared at me like I was some alien. At least my Social Studies teacher got it... but seriously? Would it really do so much harm to maybe download a news app?

Or is that just a "waste of gigabytes."

Yes, as if the "big fart button" is REALLY going to help our society.

Forgive me, those of you who's days are brightened by the sounds of artificial farts, but honestly, I am disgusted by some people's lack of knowledge.